Funeral flower wreath with one leg and dahlias. The classic funeral wreath. This means that the funeral wreath rests on one leg. We make the funeral wreath either from carnations or from dahlias depending on the season (carnations in winter and spring, dahlias in summer to autumn). The wreath is 1.65 m high.
Wreaths are a sign of honor and expression of condolences to the family of the deceased. That’s why you choose what you like and let our experienced staff make the wreath with the best possible result. Then we will trasfer the funeral wreath to any cemetery where the funeral takes place (within Athens). We transfer the wreaths to all cemeteries in Athens (under certain conditions). In addition, we will send the wreaths to any Church in Athens where the procession will take place. We make funeral wreaths from real flowers. Usually in shades of white, since white is the predominant color of funeral flowers.